Address of the President of SkyWay group of companies Dr. Anatoly Yunitskiy

We have started the construction of SkyWay EcoTechnoPark, which is a unique object that has no analogues in the world, the center of practical implementation of SkyWay innovations, their international certification and expert examination. It can be compared only to that of Silicon valley in the USA, developed by business and for business, from where all modern electronics came out onto the world market.

Transport and infrastructure breakthrough SkyWay technologies have the largest potential market on the planet, larger than mobile communications, computers, electronics that already today have a selling market in the trillions of dollars per year.

The Creator of SkyWay EcoTechnoPark engineer A. Yunitskiy says about all this.

For all those interested in acquiring or increasing their stocks of shares of ownership in the international SkyWay group of companies, there appeared the opportunity to participate in the targeted financing of EcoTechnoPark. For investors it changes only one thing − even greater transparency and specifics appear. Each shareholder will receive not only a separate certificate for a paid object in EcoTechnoPark , but also a certificate for a block of shares in the SkyWay group of companies (as co-owner of the technology at a discount, relevant to this stage of development). Such investor will be entered in the shareholders register of the SkyWay holding company (Euroasian Rail SkyWay Systems Holding).

You can invest your funds in the design and manufacture of particular building elements of EcoTechnoPark at your choice. The amount of investments is from USD 100 (one green planting) up to USD 3,000,000 (one high-speed unibus).

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2 лет 2 месяцев назад

I’m sad when I see that the skyway transport technology has got the same or almost the same design and features of a transport system i designed about 3years ago.
This technology like i thought also back then is a great innovation in the transport world especially in a developing nation like mine (Cameroon).
In the lack of partners and personal finances i kept this design in 2019 on stand by.
My concern now is will coming up with it in the years to come be an act against this system’s licensing?