Professional investor about Sky Way

Audit company Rail SkyWay Systems

Professional investor Andrey Hovratov about Sky Way.

Dear friends, I am Andrey Hovratov, I am a partner of RSW Systems in Sky Way String Technology of Yunitsky, and also I am a professional investor and author and creator of educational internet project “Academy of Private Investor”.
And I want as a professional investor to express my view on valuation of RSW Systems Company, because a huge number of people write me on the Skype.

– “Andrey, a new company started up, what you can say about this company”.

So now I want to define which criteria I use to rate this company and what it is for investment.
So, the first main moment, by which I rate any company and offer that comes to me – is company transparency.

If company has full transparency it is possible to talk directly with company director.
I having got acquainted with the company talked to the person who introduced me this company and I asked:

– “Is it possible for me as for professional investor to talk with the head of this company Yunitsky”.
– “Yes, it is possible”.

Next day we have already talked, and lve asked some questions.
But before talking lve already found out where the company is registered, which authorized capital it has and if it corresponds with what the company claims. Really I was pleasantly pleased by all moments that are not hidden. There are huge amount of videos in YouTube. Now I will talk how the company can be checked.

 Full transparency.

Full transparency – its very cool, great virtue. I estimate it on a five – point scale on five.
The second main thing – it is direct investments. That is we make direct investments to the company.
Neither through brokers nor trough the stock exchanges, when a secondary market of shares takes place after the IPO, it is called the secondary shares market.

Direct investments into the company.

There we through brokers, through the exchanges get it. Here investments are going directly into the company where assignment of parts is taking place, that means the owner of the company, Yunitsky Anatoly Eduardovich in our case, assigns the part represented in shares, and shares go accordingly to numbers. It is very important for me as for private investor, because i propagandise that it is necessary to make direct investments into the company, it is much advantageous, much more reliable.

Investments into know-how.

The third main moment – these are investments into know-how and investments into technologies of new type of transport, new generation of transport. It’s just great, we’ve read about it only in books. Recently i sent to my mom to read about it. Mom says that in her childhood she read in books that such roads there will be in the future and we will be able to go five hundred kilometres per hour, to cross distances two or three thousand kilometres in a few short hours. We stand with you right on the verge of all these innovations. So, the third point that we invest in know – how that is associated with transport technologies – it’s all just a wonderful plus, and i estimate it by five. That means that i estimate it on a five – point scale on five.

Registration in the protected territory.

The four this registration in the protected territory. Try to understand, dear friends, for example for beginning investor or the investor without experience in this field or not the investor at all, it is very important if we invest in the company that was registered in the country with high protection of the private capital. Children can pick it up or relatives, that is so, let’s say, as it should be for some reason in our countries, no one even resists. If someone resists, he can be put somewhere yo think.
Therefore if we invest in the company that in the future plans to take 30-50% of the transport market, it is desirable that this company would be in the protected area.
And Britain is the country number one by protection of the private capital and by reliability that my investments really won’t be taken away by any oligarch or any head of the country.
So, it is very important for you as for private investor, for me as for private investor.
And here I also give five because as I can see the company is big enough and if this company will be opened in Britain then I immediately give it five because its just great.


The fifth important point is the crowd financing, my dear friends.
The company chose the principle of crowd financing. It didn’t take venture capital funds, it didn’t take other brokers of investment companies, it didn’t use oligarchical money, or money of big financial sharks who could later manage or redeem this technology, would tell us we don’t need it, there is not enough metal, there will be cheap tickets, it will be very good for people, we don’t need it, we will freeze it, as it done the main, right?
Here it happens that the company has chosen such a crowd financing and here we can quickly and with mobility invest necessary funds. And the most important moment that at the end will talk about dividends. this is receiving of dividends in the future, so let’s say, it is the future of your children, your grandchildren. And that’s why the fifth thing that I want to give five on a five-point scale is that the company has taken the scheme of crowd financing.


The sixth moment is – dividends, receiving of dividends. And I talked to Anatoly Eduardovich Yunitsky, I was pleasantly surprised that the project payback if to take for example five hundred kilometres of the road or one thousand kilometres of the road then the payback occurs approximately in five years. In transport systems it is just fantastic because its in average about 20% of annual interest. When we talked about some transportation, it can be even from 20% to 100% of annual interest.

What does it mean? It means that in case of a certain amount of invested funds we as shareholders and as co-owners of the company can participate in redistribution of profit with profitability from twenty to hundred percent of annual profitability of the company.

So if to talk about auto mobile company, today it is possible to get no more than 5-7%. And such a powerful company like Boeing or Facebook as it is said or other companies, well, they give about 12-15%. If the company gives a maximum of 20% of dividends, it’s great.
Basically speculative gives on the market not because he receives dividends, but due to the fact that shares are rising in the price.
Today you bought for ten dollars and tomorrow you sold for 20 dollars.
If we become an investor of any big directions – it is receiving of dividends. And the main problem to know how much of dividends i would receive. Because if I bought share, for example for 1000 dollars and dividends are just 1 dollar a year then why do I need such a share?
Who knows, maybe later it will cost twelve hundred dollars – it’s great, and if it will not cost twelve hundred dollars?

Thats why I am as a private investor interested also, how much of dividend will I receive and dividends can be quite very hight. It is also important point, and the sixth item is five points.

 The construction of the polygon-store.

The seventh point is – the construction of so-called polygon, store that sells this technology skyway.
It is need to build the plant. And the first facilities are gathering for this. To build this the polygon, the store to sell this technology, where an investor comes and looks at thirty kilometres of hight-speed transport, 3 kilometres – of cargo transport, local transport, and so we can even generate orders already, and of course we get the question: where will be the polygon then?

Will it be in Russia, in Kazakhstan, in Ukraine? Maybe it will be in Europe?
Of course head quarters will decide it.
But I am sure, talking to Anatoly Yunitsky, I understood one thing, that again it will be in a country with a high protection of private capital.

And there where we do not have business competition but there where there is a need, and even more the government will give dotation on such directions to do everything faster, because they need it.
The construction of the polygon-store is also one of the important factors in the seventh paragraph. And lets say it will be in a country with high protection of private capital.

Growth of shares.

And the eight points, dear friends, is growth of shares. Some people said, but really, when it will be in 3 years if the IPO of the company will cost one pound or two pounds or three pounds.
Dear friends, I want to say that by numbers that I get from Anatoly Yunitsky, its in the open access and anybody can get it and read it on the web site of Yunitsky, I figured the company plans out for the next 20 years. And I fit will be realized even on 30%, I assure you that the share during 10-20 years from todays date of 2014 year can approximately cost about one hundred pounds per share.

So you can calculate capitalization by yourself, and you will see that it can be for you, for your children and for your grandchildren. That is my subjective opinion as of professional investor about this direction, about this investment.


Negative moment is – if there are any risk. Yes, there are risks.
The risk is, and here I again get after conversation with Anatoly Yunitsky that the main risk is commercial.
Commercial risk is that we can not to collect the necessary sum of money in those stages of funding that are needed. So if we dont get enough money then there is a risk. All other risks, it simply doesn’t exist.
So, dear friends, make a decision and what kind of decision you will make it is your decision. But think about your future, about your kids, grandkids because in the future you will ne able yo pass your capitals – funds in the for of shares of the company RSW Systems.

Andrey Hovratov,
Professional investor.

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